I would love to hear from you! And typically respond within 24 hours.
Terms of Service:
All products on my website may be purchases directly on my website or by contacting me directly and purchasing with cash, check, or through a mobile payment app.
All paintings are shipped within two weeks after a purchase has bee made, Some paintings take longer then others to ship due to drying tine.
Paintings may also be picked up from my home/ studio in Dormont PA.
All shipments are insured by USPS. If a shipment is lost, stolen, or damaged between the time of purchase and delivery, I will refund the purchase in full, even if USPS will not cover the costs.
All paintings are sold as is, some are framed, others are not, framing details are listed in the products description.
If you have an issue with a payment, please contact me and I can work with you to resolve the issue.
Thank you for visiting my site!